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Our vintner recommendation for the VieVinum

By clicking on this link you will find twelve highly recommendable Austrian winemakers and two groups vintner's associations who will finally have the opportunity to present their wines again at VieVinum. Furthermore, all stand numbers of the members of respekt-BIODYN and information about a joint event with Demeter. Let's go VieVinum!

May 2022

You can almost no longer imagine it. A wine fair! And the VieVinum in the Vienna Hofburg, one of the most beautiful venues in the world. This year, from 21 to 23 May, around 400 winegrowers will be offering their wines for tasting. It's easy to get lost in the shuffle!

That's why we would like to recommend a highly recommendable group to you in our usual manner. What do they have in common? Their profession as their vocation. Their striving for ever higher qualities. Their connection with nature. You can find all the stand numbers in the column on the right. If someone is also represented at ProWein in Düsseldorf, this is also their stand number.

12 great vintners, the Junge Wilden Winzer and respekt-BIODYN. And an exquisite tasting. Enjoy our lecture! (In German language, but please note the stand numbers and Websites.)

→ HERE you find our VIEVINUM guide.

Drop by their place, let them take you on a journey with their terrroir-influenced wines!

And here we would like to point out that Demeter & respekt-BIODYN will be holding a joint event at the VieVinum: British author and expert on biodynamic viticulture Monty Waldin will be leading the tasting and addressing fundamental questions about this viticultural method based on the wines. See more.

We see each other at the Hofburg!