ALL remains better


In irregular intervals we write here about things and topics that are close to our heart. But also other people should have their say, as it happens. Just have a look!
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Great joy about my yoga teacher certificate

I've done it! I hold the ‘ Yoga Alliance 500 Hour Teachers Training’ certificate acquired at the Pureyoga Ashtanga Centre Vienna in my hands. The joy is great after almost two years and 500 hours of intensive training. And at the same time there is a bit of sadness about the end, but the yoga path is a long one. September 2024 ...
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Natural beach as far as the eye can see

I've just been back to Denmark. And as is usually the case, I was more drawn out into nature by the sea than to the chic restaurants in Copenhagen. Because the northern sea has a very special appeal for me. This is due to the light, the vegetation and, above all, the fact that the beaches are completely unspoilt and clean. August 2024 ...
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The wine industry is facing major new challenges.

The wine industry is in a state of upheaval. Shrinking budgets, declining consumer groups and a new generation of wine drinkers are increasingly presenting the wine industry with major challenges. How can it keep pace with these changes? July 2024 Further articles - Nicht schönzureden. Meininger Weinwirtschaft. - US wine ...
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Die Wirtshaus-töchter (The inn daughters) in a cheerful apricot dumpling competition

Die Wirtshaustöchter - Heidi Strobl & Sylvia Petz - are cooking up a storm again. This time there is a cheerful apricot dumpling competition at the Dürnberg winery in Falkenstein. Curd dough versus potato dough. Which one is better? Weingut Dürnberg | After work Every first Friday of the month May to October 2024, from 3 pm to 9 pm Die ...
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Honey bees versus wild bees. A real conflict?

Time and again we read and hear that the fostering of honey bees has a negative impact on the countless species of wild bees, which incidentally also include bumblebees. Austrian master beekeeper Ernst Brandl recently commented on this in a guest commentary in the Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard. We summarise. Source : Brandl, Ernst. ...
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100 years of biodynamics. Masterclass @ VieVinum: 27 May at 9 a.m.

VieVinum | Masterclass as part of the "VieVinum School of Wine" WHEN: Monday, 27 May, 9 to 11 a.m. WHERE: Schatzkammersaal, Hofburg Vienna MODERATION: Romana Echensperger MW Registration: ➞ f ully booked. We will be happy to put you on the WAITING LIST. May 2024 ...
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Wine on Top. VieVinum side event on Sunday, 26 May

VieVinum | Side Event WHEN: Sunday, 26 May, 6.30 pm WHERE: Das Loft | SO/ VIENNA | Praterstrasse 1, 1020 Vienna Registration & Tickets (35 Euro incl. Food & Wine): - trade: - press: May 2024 ...
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About »Innehalten« (To pause). A favourite book

„Innehalten” (To pause) is a book that a dear friend gave me years ago. I have since passed it on many times and read it several times. A book about the important pauses in life, about nothingness, about the space in between and the Japanese word ma . Innehalten . Zen üben – Atem holen – Kaft schöpfen ( To pause. Practising Zen - taking a ...
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Why we call for bird counting every year

Two organisations call for bird counts in winter. Birdlife carries out Austria's largest bird count in January, focussing on winter bird species in urban and rural areas. This is followed in February by the Big Farmland Bird Count , a count of songbirds and farmland birds in open fields. Organised by Gut Hardegg in cooperation with the ...
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Climate change-induced snow reduction affects soil nutrients

In January 2021,  Global Ecology and Conservation published the results of a Chinese study on the effects of climate change-induced winter snow reduction in the Tibetan highlands. They show that less snow favours the leaching of nutrients in the soil. At the same time, the microbial biomass remains unchanged. January 2024 „Short-term ...
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Call for disorder! In support of our animals for the winter.

What do butterflies, spiders, wild bees, hedgehogs, toads, dormice, lizards and salamanders have in common? They all like to hibernate in our gardens and need framework conditions for this, which are in our hands. Yes, life goes on outside, even when the trees and bushes are bare, the flowers have retracted their heads and the meadows have been ...
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Salmon farming. A critical look into the fishing nets.

Another deceptive photo. Also happy salmon in the wild have become rare, and there is a lot wrong with farming. The former luxury product has long been a mass product, the production is cruel to animals and has environmentally damaging effects. Anyone interested in the subject avoids eating it in view of the gruesome facts. September 2023 ...
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Facts, figures and data on the dairy industry

The illustration is deceptive. Our milk and dairy products have long since ceased to come from happy cows on lush alpine meadows. Even those from organic farming in the supermarkets come from highly industrialised production - with somewhat better conditions for the animals. Happy cows, calves and bulls have become rare. You can still meet them on ...
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Die Wirtshaustöchter (The Inn Daughters) at the Drosendorf lido in the Waldviertel region of Austria

Good friends we are, the journalist, author and farmer in the Weinviertel region Heidi Strobl and me. Besides our love for good food, regenerative agriculture, fine wines and healthy nature, we are united by our origins: we are Wirtshaustöchter (inn daugherts)! In summer, we celebrate our cooking premiere at the Drosendorf lido in the ...
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Private gardens as an important contribution to biodiversity

Garden owners have it good. Someone who can call a piece of land his or her own is privileged, can set up home there and do as he or she pleases. However, anyone who owns land, no matter how small, also bears responsibility. For the diversity of nature and the preservation of species. April 2023 Illustration by Márton Zsoldos , ...
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Vitiforestry. Agroforestry for the viticulture.

The term "vitiforestry" is becoming increasingly important. It is therefore time to take a closer look at it. Vitiforestry is the adaptation of the concept of "agroforestry" for viticulture. However, combined agriculture and forestry is not a modern invention. Already our grandparents and their ancestors planted trees in the fields on their mixed ...
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Bird feeding. What to bear in mind.

From 3 to 19 February, Gut Hardegg's big songbird count will take place again in cooperation with the Game Conservancy Germany and the British Wild Life Conservation Trust. An online bird training session was held in advance, here is a short extract on bird feeding. Everything else about bird identification and counting can be found in the ...
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The Human Rights – to read up

In Austria, there are recurring political discussions about whether a revision of the human rights is necessary in order to do justice to the many asylum applications. However, concrete demands have not yet been made. At this point, it is therefore doubtful that these persons have ever read the human rights of the UN or the European Convention on ...
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The benefits of animals in the vineyard

On many, mostly organic or biodynamic wineries, you can see animals in the vineyards more and more often. Sheep, goats, ducks, geese or even cows graze there between the vine rows. The impressive effects on soil and biodiversity can be seen after only a short time. October 2022 Quicktranslation with DeepL ...
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Forest: elixir of life and remedy

On the train heading towards Lake Constance, the gaze lingers again and again on the passing forests. For the eyes, a pleasant change from working at a computer screen. And not only for the eyes! It has long been common knowledge that the forest has a beneficial effect on body and soul. What is new is the finding that even photos of forests have ...
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Diversity of Raspberry Varieties & a fine raspberry ice cream recipe

Raspberry time! The fruits are blossoming and ripening in the gardens at the moment, and you can also snack on the red delicacies in the forests. These wild berries are smaller and much more aromatic than the cultivated ones. Which is why I did a little research. As with all old fruit kinds, there are many more varieties than we realise. ...
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Good sun protection, bad sun protection

Jumping into cool water, probably the most delicious refreshment on hot days. Against the scorching sun on land, it is essential to apply sun protection. This is also done dutifully by countless people who jump into the sea, lakes, rivers and pools every day. Unfortunately, the lotions are washed off and remain in the water, where most of them ...
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About our indirect water consumption through consumer goods

Approaching the oversized topic of water is a challenge. Where to start and how to narrow it down? An excessive demand! And yet a concern in times of increasing water shortages. Now the fine Austrian monthly magazine Datum came to my rescue with its focus on  "Wasser unser" (Water Ours ). This is about the invisible litres of our water ...
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Interview for the Circle of Wine Writers

The Circle of Wine Writers is the most prestigious international association of wine and spirits authors, writers, journalists, bloggers, broadcasters, photographers and educators. It is an honour to be accepted into this noble community. It is also an honour to be listed on the website among the Friends of the Circle , which I received in ...
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Biodiversity in the vineyards

In spring, not only the trees blossom. Winegrowers who are concerned about the health of their vineyards and nature also let their vineyards blossom. About the benefits of biodiversity for viticulture and society. May 2022 Quicktranslation with DeepL ...
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Sommelier Spotlight: Beatrice Bessi

In this fifth installment of our Sommelier Spotlight series, I speak with Beatrice Bessi who is the Head Sommelier of the Chiltern Firehouse in London. STEPHANIE ARTNER February 2022 Photo: Beatrice Bessi  ...
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Our vintner recommendation for the VieVinum

By clicking on this link you will find twelve highly recommendable Austrian winemakers and two groups vintner's associations who will finally have the opportunity to present their wines again at VieVinum. Furthermore, all stand numbers of the members of respekt-BIODYN and information about a joint event with Demeter. Let's go VieVinum! ...
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The relevance of the climate targets for viticulture

Back in 2015, the United Nations defined seventeen Climate Targets. These " Sustainable Development Goals " (SDGs) serve to globally secure sustainable development on an economic, social and ecological level. Only now are they slowly becoming more widely known in Austria. This is also thanks to " ESG ", the corresponding approach of the financial ...
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» Gute Sachen «« – Marlis' new indulgence boutique

Marlis Groß-Söchstl has fulfilled a dream. Originally a banker, she became passionate about sustainable food. On her travels, especially to Spain, Marlis got to know small producers of high-quality olive oils, spices and pickles, whose products she was determined to enjoy at home. In the meantime, she had also started her Master's degree in ...
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Gardening and also houseplants are good for the soul

Have you ever wondered why older and often lonely people enjoy gardening so much, even when it is really physically demanding for them? Researchers have long since found the answer: Gardening is good for body and soul. Gardening stimulates creativity and helps with relaxation. It stimulates sensory perception, increases the ability to concentrate, ...
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Sommelier Spotlight: Katja Scharnagl

In this fifth Sommelier Spotlight, I speak with Advanced Sommelière Katja Scharnagl in New York, one of the international figureheads of the Austrian sommelier scene. Katja is also my partner for our online tastings in the New York area. As an aspiring Master Sommelière, she tastes the wines of our winemakers together with her study group. ...
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Best in class: Elaborated CO2 calculator for agriculture in UK

Companies must reduce their greenhouse gases by 40% by 2030 and become CO2e-neutral or even better CO2e-positive by 2040. To do this, they first have to know what quantities they emit and where. Until now, there was hardly any possibility for wineries in the German-speaking world to do this if they are not members of a corresponding association ...
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Sommelier Spotlight: Simon Zimmermann

In this fourth installment of our Sommelier Spotlight series, I speak with Nordic Sommelier Champion, multiple Norwegian Sommelier Champion, and Head sommelier of Happolati restaurant in Oslo, Simon Zimmermann. STEPHANIE ARTNER February 2022 Photo: Simon Zimmermann ...
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Soil life even in winter. Because the soil never sleeps!

When the juices withdraw from the plants in winter, they go into hibernation. Silence also returns to the soil, but there is no question of real sleep. Even at low temperatures, important processes are going on, dead plant and animal cells become nutrients, and many other processes are also going on. In the seemingly sleeping soil, everything is ...
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Sommelier spotlight: Andrea Morris

In this third Sommelier Spotlight, I am speaking with Andrea Morris, the Beverage Director from Union Square Café (USC), the flagship restaurant that launched Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group in New York.  STEPHANIE ARTNER January 2022 Photo: Andrea Morris ...
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A delightful and unburdened feast!

This should be an inspiration for a relaxed Christmas, with which we burden the environment and ourselves as little as possible. These suggestions include many useful things, some of which are easier to implement than others. The more the merrier, but nobody needs to be perfect. This list is not meant to be exhaustive. The more we realise, ...
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Sommelier spotlight: Christopher Sealy, Alo Food Group Toronto

I am excited to continue our new bi-weekly column where we’ll speak to Sommeliers all over the world to get a sense of where they are in this pandemic world. Next up is Christopher Sealy, Wine Director for the Alo food group in Toronto. STEPHANIE ARTNER December 2021 Photo: Christopher Sealy / credit: Nikki Leigh McKean ...
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Study on online wine tastings

Gergely Szolnoki from the University of Geisenheim has dedicated a study to online tastings. In a cooperation with the Institute of Masters of Wine and in Sweden, he conducted a broad cross-national study. 1,423 vintners in over 40 countries were surveyed. December 2021 Szolnoki, Gergely / Luecke, Nikolaus Moritz / et al. ...
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Rewilding Europe – imitators wanted!

It was one of those lectures you never forget. It was about the complex and fascinating impacts of resettling wolves into the wild in the US. I don't remember who gave the talk in 2013 at my first Sustainabiliy training. And as much as I searched, I couldn't find any information on this project. And then Arte aired a film about it in 2019 and ...
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Sommelier spotlight: Linda Milagros Violago from Canlis in Seattle

I am excited to introduce a bi-weekly column where we'll speak to sommeliers all over the world. The new interview series will aim to paint a picture of Covid's impact on the wine industry with its continuing challenges. It will also ask how we (consumers or winemakers, or agents) can support sommeliers during these still difficult times, what ...
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The five principles of soil health

The Nuremberg wine merchant and trained chemist Martin Kössler has thankfully sent me the essay "The Five Principles of Soil Health" by the Australian soil ecologist Christine Jones. In his opinion, everyone involved in agricultural products should have read it. I can only agree with this, which is why I have summarised the paper here. The ...
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Pros and cons of harvesting grapes by machine

More and more often you can read on wine labels: "Pure manual labor". This is because wine production has long been fully automated and mechanized in many places. Of course, this also applies to the harvest. That is why many small winegrowers – especially those working organically and biodynamically – feel obliged to communicate their handicraft ...
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On the CO2 emissions of water in plastic bottles

How much smaller the footprint of tap water is compared to water in plastic bottles was recently reported in the media. Reason enough to take a closer look at the topic. August 2021 Quicktranslation with DeepL ...
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Simply a recommendation: pure Yoga at Pureyoga in Vienna

I have been practising Ashtanga yoga in the studio of my friends Petra and Horst for around twelve years. The personal and individual care, breath teaching, living yoga philosophy and the beautiful garden with its ancient trees make it so special. Where yoga and wine cross paths comes at the end of the text. August 2021 ...
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The flap of a butterfly's wing

To be honest, it wasn't the flap of a butterfly's wing at all. Rather, it was the wings of light moths crumbling to dust. But they did a lot. Juli 2021 Quicktranslation with DeepL ...
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Fisherman's Fritze fishes fresh fish ...* For how much longer?

The nutritional advice recommends fish twice a week. That's easier said than done in view of the fact that oceans are fished out and lakes and rivers are too warm for freshwater fish. So what should we do? Is it over with the herring feast? Over and done with sushi, too? Goodbye trout meunière? July 2021 (quicktranslation with DeepL) * ...
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Why eating according to the seasons also makes us happy

There are many reasons why seasonal fruit and vegetables from the region are the better choice. One weighty argument is the lower environmental impact. Another is that we are gifted with more aromatic fruit and thus better quality. And a third is that when our patience is finally rewarded, we are thanked with happy hormones. June 2021 Figures ...
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Biodynamic Winegrowing in One Sentence – an Attempt

The motivation for this article was the repeatedly expressed request of the sommellerie to have biodynamic viticulture explained in one sentence. A noble wish! Such complex content simply cannot be packed into a single sentence. Nevertheless, with the help of the "Introduction to Biodynamics" by Andrew & Kati Lorand, here is at least an attempt at ...
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On the misunderstanding of "organic versus sustainable viticulture"

It has become a somewhat tiresome topic. Regional and supra-regional wine sustainability certifications that stir the emotions. Organic winegrowers who rightly feel stepped on their toes and yet usually lack a view of the bigger picture. And as always, it's all down to communication. An attempt at rectification. April 2021 Quicktranslation ...
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Undervalued nettel

Every year in spring. Time for gardening, pruning the trees, trimming the hedges and preparing the garden beds. In short, to drive away the winter. There are a few things to keep in mind. Like simply ignoring an underestimated plant, the stinging nettle, in the garden and letting nature take its course. March 2021 Quicktranslation with DeepL ...
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Linkedin is not Facebook is not Instagram

The business platform Linkedin has so far been pleasantly different from other social media channels such as Facebook. Unfortunately, a change has been taking place for some time. Inspired by the German magazine brand eins , I would like to point out here what is – still – important on Linkedin. March 2021 Quick translation with DeepL ...
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Bird watching makes you joyful

This year we were part of the Gut Hardegg estate team for the first time for the Europe-wide song & field bird count. A meaningful, joyful project that is borne by success and continues to grow. Growth in the most positive sense – for the good of all of us. February 2021 Quick translation with DeepL ...
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Look back ahead

Here we want to look at the good things that the past year has brought. They may be only very small ones and perhaps also somewhat larger ones. And those that have a forward effect. After all, this year cannot have been completely in vain. January 2021 Quick translation with DeepL ...
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Plea for the half-bottle

Glass bottles contribute up to 49 per cent to the ecological footprint of a wine. Lighter bottles can do a lot of good in this respect, and even more do smaller containers. And from another point of view, half bottles are also the right decision for many other situations. January 2021 Quicktranslation with DeepL ...
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Back pain & Co

Remedies for the physical consequences of Corona A topic that is not directly related to enjoyment, but which concerns us all. That's why we're giving it space here: Slouching at the computer at home only looks comfortable at first glance. Because bad posture in the home office usually makes itself painfully felt. YVONNE LACKINGER from the ...
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What characterises a good website

In this peculiar standstill, time is found for things that until now had to sit on the sidelines for capacity reasons. The own website is one of them. Here are the most important requirements to make the investment in it a worthwhile one.  December 2021 Quicktranslation with DeepL ...
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The fundamentals of positioning

Positioning work with winegrowers is one of our favourite tasks. What could be better than to lift their treasure together with them: That which distinguishes them from all the others. That which they do particularly well. Since presence workshops are not possible at the moment, here is a minimal guide. November 2020 Translated with DeepL ...
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Employee retention in tourism through sustainability

Better employee recruitment and retention in Austrian tourism through targeted employer branding and sustainability concepts. This is the concise hypothesis of my recently completed master thesis. It was confirmed in an online survey among hotel operators. October 2020 Quick translation with DeepL ...
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Time of maturation & about freedom in viticulture

Romana Echensberger MW has written a book about biodynamics. Contents are twelve winegrower portraits and among other things a treatise about the different production methods in the vineyard. And this is what this book is about. Echensperger, Romana (2020): The freedom to make the right wine. A portrait of biodynamic winemaking. Frankfurt: ...
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The value of soil

In the materiality analysis within the framework of a sustainability strategy for wineries, the soil is the top priority. A fact that is given far too little consideration in current certifications. August 2020 Photo © Michaela Stark Translation with DeepL ...
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A Porto Protocol Climate Talk

As the Austrian representative of the Porto Protocol, I was invited to moderate a Climate Talk on three regional and national wine sustainablity standards. July 2020 ...
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(Organic) Wine consumption in the Corona crisis

Figures, data and facts on Austrian wine consumption in the Corona crisis July 2020 © Painting: Watanabe Shōtei aka Watanabe Seitei (Japanese 1851–1918) Mouse and Grapes, approx. 1910 Online translation with DeepL ...
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In drei Schritten zum perfekten Auftritt

Was ist eigentlich meine Marke, passt sie zu meinen Stärken und Grundwerten und ist sie gut positioniert? Sind mein persönlicher Auftritt und mein Markenauftritt stimmig? Lernen Sie an drei Halbtagen mehr über sich, Ihr Image und Unternehmen, und bringen Sie es in ein harmonisches Ganzes. Juli 2020 ...
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Eating Meat? Of course, but…

Is it even possible to eat meat in times of these incredible scandals? It is! A plea for conscious consumption. July 2020 Online translation of the original text with DeepL. ...
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A Perfect Day

Thrown back on oneself in more than sixty days of state of emergency, many of us ask ourselves: "What is a good day?" May 2020 Online translation of the original text with DeepL. ...
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Mastering online-meetings well

Even though video conferences & webinars have become a daily routine in the last few months, they still pose a challenge for many people. I have summarized for you here what you can do to make your virtual meeting - participating or moderating – a success. Technical requirements & preparation Your optical appearance Voice & Language ...
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Times of crisis – what you can do now

The Corona crisis presents us all with an immense challenge. As people and as entrepreneurs . On this page I would like to offer support on two levels: Help on a personal level by a certified psychologist and coach: Michaela Stark | blaufeuer Opportunities for good communication now & afterwards : Carpe diem with Sylvia Petz ...
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Well through the crisis – with graduate psychologist Michaela Stark

»I've never tried that before, so I'm pretty sure I can do it.« Pippi Langstrumpf Psychological Coaching Contact : +43 664 545 1340 & April 2020 Online translation of the original text with DeepL ...
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Biodiversity – what each & every individual garden owner can contribute

Basically, it's quite simple. You would only have to let nature take its course and it would come back on its own. And of course, in reality it is not quite so simple after all. March 2020 Online translation of the original text with DeepL. ...
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Luxury & sustainability – a contradiction in terms?

Luxury & Sustainability - do they go together or is it a contradiction in terms? I was asked this question a while ago in Von-Magazin , an Austrian lifestyle magazine for the upper class. The editors wanted to look behind the luxury goods. Since the contents are still up to date, they can be read again here. February 2020 Online ...
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Yes to Braunau! – a project of planetYES

Since a little more than a year I am a partner of planetYES. Our goal is to create networked sustainable cities and regions within a team and with a large network of research, companies, organizations and academia. With a focus on regional value creation and global knowledge transfer for rapid change and significant effectiveness. November ...
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The title "Pure Luxury" resulted from a discussion about what luxury really means in our time. We agreed that true luxury always has to do with pauses, with quality craftsmanship and in truth nothing with high prices. This is the origin of this text on wine pricing. Enjoy reading it! October 2019 Online translation of the original text with ...
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The value chain of a bottle of supermarket wine

I wonder what might be in a bottle of wine for 2.99 euros from the supermarket? Considering that the bottle, label, capsule, cork and cardboard have to be bought and various margins are incurred. In the weekly newspaper Die Zeit one has now done some research .  September 2019 Online translation of the original text with DeepL. ...
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